Sharon B

Sharon B

By the time I’d submitted my last assignment, I felt like I’d gotten all the experience I needed to call myself a real stylist and to start charging for my work.

Having completed the Professional Photo, Film, TV & Personal Stylist’s Course, this is what I loved most:

The tutorials were clear and easy to understand and covered a wide range of subjects related to styling. There were heaps of links to books and websites where I could continue my research. The assignments were very practical and got me straight into hands-on styling. The tasks were challenging enough to push me to try new things but were simple enough that I never felt overwhelmed. I also liked the student examples that were provided. By the time I’d submitted my last assignment, I felt like I’d gotten all the experience I needed to call myself a real stylist and to start charging for my work.

My tutor’s feedback was surprisingly in-depth and expanded on what was taught in the tutorials. It felt great to know that my work was being reviewed carefully and thoughtfully, and this inspired me to create the best work possible.

I loved that I could study via distance learning at my own pace. Although I thought I would finish faster, it took nearly a year for me to complete the course. But I’m thankful for the timeframe, as it allowed me to explore the different areas of styling I want to work in and put together a sizeable portfolio. It wouldn’t have been as rich an experience if I’d felt rushed to complete it. I think that when it comes to styling, clients want someone whose advice they can trust. That’s why I believe proper training and certification is a must. Plus, it’s a fun subject to study!

I’d definitely recommend this course to anyone wanting to become a professional stylist, whether as a full-time career or as a side gig. The price point is very reasonable compared to some other courses out there, and while it is self-paced, there is still plenty of support available from staff and tutors. I wouldn’t change a thing!


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